Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.❞
‒Sarah Caldwell
"Teachers teach themselves."
There are very few disciplines which require a student to risk being vulnerable more than learning a new language. I envision creating a classroom atmosphere that encourages students to take risks, chances and make mistakes without fear. Taking the anxiety out of learning a new language and forming a sense of community among the students is a primary goal of mine. Once established, the student can move from fear to feeling empowered.
I believe in identifying and working with the learners' strengths first to help build their confidence. I believe in designing lessons that are learner-centered where relationships can be fostered between the learner and instructor, learner to learner, learner to self and finally learner to content. I develop lessons that appeal to the four types of learners; visual, auditory, kinesthetic and reading and writing. Each class, each student and each semester offers a unique opportunity to try new methods and approaches.